Effective Presentations in English


Bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan publik seperti saat memberikan presentasi, menjawab pertanyaan dari peserta, dan memberikan laporan tentang suatu proyek bisnis.

Objective:  To improve English communication skills and knowledge of functional expressions and essential vocabulary used in making a business presentation.

Language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar

Learning Topics:

  1. Making effective presentations 
  2. Introducing yourself 
  3. Presentations: Introducing yourself and your topic 
  4. Asking for and giving updates 
  5. Giving a project update 
  6. Reporting on progress 
  7. Interrupting politely 
  8. Answering questions in a presentation 
  9. Handling a Q&A session 
  10. Dealing with difficult questions 
  11. Saying numbers & dates correctly 
  12. Presenting numerical information


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